
October 11, 2016

Do you know your iPhone has an expiry date?

Did you know your Apple iPhone has an expiry date?

When you buy some grocery,probably you will check the expiry date or best before  of the products.same thing you will be observing for medicines.But would you do the same while buying an expensive phone like iPhone to be precise?Or do you think that Apple devices do have expiry period?In a recent update to its environmental policy,Apple answering about a question informed how long an Apple device is expected to  remain in use.It also informed that the iPhone's have a life expectancy of three years just like that of  Apple watch.If you ask about an Apple TV,It expires in four years.


 Some credible studies suggest that iPhone's productive cycle will be good at the three year mark like Apple watch while the life cycle of series of OS developed by Apple,(OS X) and that of Apple TV will get an extension of about one year that is four years combined.

On concerning this issue,Apple quoted-"to model customer use,we measure the power consumed while it is operating in a simulated scenario.Usage patterns are specific to each and every product and are mixture of actual and modeled customer-use data.Years of usage after which are based on initial owners,are assumed to be four years for tv OS devices and OS X and only three years for iOS and watch OS devices."

These expiry periods confirm to the Apple's strategy of introducing OS updates to older devices and hardware offered to replace older units.

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